
3rd PATinKyoto Print Art Triennale in Kyoto 2022

会期:2022412日(火)− 58日(日)
10:00~18:00 ※入場は17:30まで

会場:京都市京セラ美術館 本館 南回廊2階
Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, Main Building, South Wing 2F



多摩美術大学 学長
「第3回PATinKyoto京都版画トリエンナーレ」推進委員会 委員長

建畠 晢


3rd PATinKyoto (Print Art Triennale in Kyoto) Promotional Committee
Kyoto City




第3回 PATinKyoto 京都版画トリエンナーレ 推進委員会
委員長  建畠 晢 (多摩美術大学 学長、美術評論家)
副委員長 篠原 資明(高松市美術館アートアドバイザー 京都大学名誉教授)
副委員長 鈴木 順也(一般財団法人 NISSHA 財団 理事長)
委員   八田 英二(学校法人 同志社 総長 理事長)
委員   小西 均 (一般財団法人 NISSHA 財団 事務局長)
委員   鷲田 清一(哲学者)

第3回 PATinKyoto 京都版画トリエンナーレ 実行委員会

委員長  木村 秀樹(画家/版画家 京都市文化功労者)
副委員長 出原 司(京都市立芸術大学名誉教授)
副委員長 長尾 浩幸(成安造形大学教授)
委員   鳥井 雅子(美術家)
委員   濱田 弘明(嵯峨美術大学教授)
委員   大島 成己(多摩美術大学教授)
委員   北村 広美(一般財団法人 NISSHA 財団)


中谷 至宏(成安造形大学特任教授 京都市京セラ美術館学芸員)




全国の推薦委員から推薦された若手~中堅作家、 20~25名。

出品作品: 版画作品


●作品サイズは、幅約10m × 高さ3.5mの壁面、10m × 5mの床面に展示可能であること。

PATinKyoto 京都版画トリエンナーレ実行委員会によって選出された、全国の批評家、美術館学芸員、研究者、ジャーナリスト、作家などに、作家1名の推薦を依頼。


滝沢 恭司(町田市立国際版画美術館学芸員) / 滝沢 正幸(上田市博物館館長) / 加藤 義夫(加藤義夫芸術計画室 主宰・宝塚市立文化芸術センター館長) / 菅谷 富夫(大阪中之島美術館 館長) / 中井 康之(国立国際美術館研究員・京都市立芸術大学非常勤講師) / 中馬 泰文(美術家) / 小林 敬生(版画家 多摩美術大学名誉教授) / 細川 佳洋子(ギャラリスト・ギャラリーほそかわ 主宰) / 岩渕 貞哉(美術手帖編集部) / 徳山 拓一(森美術館学芸員) / 梅津 元(芸術学) / 井関 悠(水戸芸術館現代美術センター学芸員) / 高橋 しげみ(青森県立美術館学芸主幹) / 住友 文彦(キュレーター) / 江上 ゆか(兵庫県立美術館学芸員) / 倉地 比沙支(版画家 愛知県立芸術大学教授) / 近藤 由紀(トーキョーアーツ&スペースプログラムディレクター) / 原 久子(大阪電気通信大学教授) / 秋庭 史典(名古屋大学准教授)


第3回 PATinKyoto 京都版画トリエンナーレ2022 受賞者

大賞  「全身と指先」吉岡 俊直

優秀賞 「ジェスチャー オブ ラリー」澤田 華

優秀賞 「レースのインスタレーション」森末 由美子

一般財団法人NISSHA財団賞 「ばたばた」芦川 瑞季

大賞  1名
優秀賞 2名
一般財団法人 NISSHA 財団賞 若干名

建畠 晢(審査委員長、多摩美術大学 学長)
潮江 宏三(前京都市美術館 館長)
篠原 資明(高松市美術館アートアドバイザー 京都大学名誉教授)
木村 秀樹(画家/版画家、京都市文化功労者)
鈴木 順也(一般財団法人 NISSHA 財団 理事長)


PAT in Kyotoから見えてくるもの −

日時:2022年4月30日 13:30 − 16:00(土)  開場: 13:00
定員:80名予定・先着順 (事前予約不要)
参加費無料、要観覧券 (半券可)

木村秀樹  (PATinKyoto実行委員会委員長) 
原久子   (大阪電気通信大学教授)
林寿美   (成安造形大学客員教授)

長尾浩幸  (PATinKyoto実行委員会副委員長)

アーティスト・トーク & ギャラリー・トーク
日時:会期中の週末(土曜・日曜)、祝日 14:00〜  (50分程度予定)


The splendid tradition and significant international influence of Japanese printmaking is widely known, but in recent years, it appears that momentum has been gathering for further new developments. One could say that the distinctive process of printing – which makes printmaking what it is – has come to be positively reappraised in an era when electronic images on LCD screens tend to dominate our fields of vision.
Print Art Triennale in Kyoto, launched in 2013, differs from a public open-call competition, in that artists are selected on the basis of recommendations from commissioners with keen critical eyes who are abundantly informed about printmaking. As a printmaking exhibition that offers a spacious venue in which series or large installation-style works can be exhibited, it is unquestionably an unprecedented and innovative endeavor.
The Triennale aims to present richly varied works by young and mid-career artists currently in the most vibrant phase of their activities, and to transmit them from Kyoto to the world. We appreciate your kind attention and support.

Akira Tatehata
President, Tama Art University
Chairperson, PATinKyoto (Print Art Triennale in Kyoto) Promotional Committee


Japan’s extraordinary culture of printmaking is widely known: the global influence of ukiyo-e prints, the bold achievements of the sosaku hanga (creative prints) movement, the international success of Japanese printmakers after World War II.
The International Biennial Exhibition of Prints in Tokyo was launched in 1957, and in the context of the worldwide flourishing of printmaking, society as a whole came to recognize prints as a contemporary art medium. In the 1960s and 1970s, which have been called the golden age of contemporary printmaking, prints gained status as a full-fledged mode of expression and attained an unassailable position in Japanese culture. Since the 1980s Japanese printmaking has grown ever more original and sophisticated, maturing in such a way that Japan can truly be called a global leader in prints in a way no other country or region can. The 1st PATinKyoto Print Art Triennale in Kyoto was organized with the goals of showcasing the richness of printmaking in the present continuous tense, and of establishing critical perspectives for sufficient assessment of the works. It also demonstrated that the enterprising spirit of the art of printmaking is particularly pronounced among printmakers in Kyoto. And this project, situated in the ancient capital of Kyoto, has gained support from a wide range of companies and private citizens, and has gained high acclaim from the mass media and various other organizations.

Following the 1st and 2nd editions, we have organized the 3rd PATinKyoto Print Art Triennale 2022, aiming to introduce fresh innovation to the culture of Kyoto and transmit it to the world. We are preserving the selection format of the previous two editions: while most art competitions invite entries from the public, the Triennale is unique in that entries are recommended by commissioners who have a keen artistic sense and are well informed about printmaking. Also, we offer a spacious venue in which artists can exhibit a series of works or a large installation-style work. Moving forward, we intend to further develop this unprecedented endeavor at the newly renovated Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art.

Looking beyond the conventional framework of printmaking, a wide variety of contemporary prints including photographs, computer graphics, and even 3D works will be exhibited throughout the museum. The goal is to make a major impact on the general public, the art world, and the mass media with an event that symbolizes a progressive, forward-looking Kyoto.

Focusing on the ever-evolving diversity of prints, we will present a contemporary printmaking exhibition in a new framework so as to encourage the further maturation of the medium and transmit the results to the world. Our objective is to showcase the abundant variety of prints, as traditional Japanese culture and as a contemporary art form, and disseminate it from Kyoto, a city of art and culture, to the world.


3rd PATinKyoto Print Art Triennale in Kyoto Promotional Committee
Chairperson Akira Tatehata (Tama Art University President, art critic)
Vice-Chairperson Tomoaki Shinohara (Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University)
Vice-Chairperson Junya Suzuki (Chairperson, NISSHA FOUNDATION)
Committee Member  Eiji Hatta (Chancellor and Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Doshisha)
Committee Member Hitoshi Konishi (Officer, NISSHA FOUNDATION)
Committee Member  Kiyokazu Washida (Philosopher)

3rd PATinKyoto Print Art Triennale in Kyoto Executive Committee
Chairperson    Hideki Kimura (Painter / Printmaker, Kyoto Person of Cultural Merit)
Vice-Chairperson   Tsukasa Izuhara (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto City University of Arts)
Vice-Chairperson   Hiroyuki Nagao (Professor, Seian University of Arts and Design)
Committee Member    Masako Torii (Artist)
Committee Member    Hiroaki Hamada (Professor, Kyoto Saga University of Arts)
Committee Member    Naruki Oshima (Professor, Tama Art University)
Committee Member    Hiromi Kitamura (NISSHA FOUNDATION)

Yoshihiro Nakatani (Seian University of Arts and Design Specially-Appointed Professor, Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art Curator)

Participating Artists 
20 to 25 young and mid-career artists recommended by commissioners nationwide.
Artists should reside in Japan and be under the age of 50 as of March 2022.

Exhibited Works: 
●Must be prints.
●Prints are defined as works that meet one or more of the following criteria:
1. Printed with one of the four basic methods (letterpress, intaglio, lithograph, mimeograph), or two or more of these methods together.
2. Multiples (whether editions or not) or works characterized by indirect processes (printing plates, stencils, etc.)
3. Prints broadly defined, including photographs, videos, 3D objects, installations, etc.

● Works must have been made within one year prior to exhibition.
● In terms of size, works should fit on a wall surface approximately 10m wide and 3.5m high, with a floor space of 10m x 5m.
(Multiple works can be exhibited.) Each artist is provided with a wall width of 10m or a floor space of 50m2.
● If the submitted work is composed of multiple works or parts, discussions will be held with the organizers.
● Works cannot logistically interfere with the exhibition.
● Site of exhibition is at the discretion of the organizers.
● As a rule, all accepted works will be exhibited.

・Installation of works and return of works after the event is the responsibility of the organizer.
・The office will contact each exhibiting artist regarding how each work is installed.
・Installation of works is scheduled for March 2022.

Critics, museum curators, researchers, journalists, artists and others from all over Japan are selected by the PATinKyoto PATinKyoto Print Art Triennale in Kyoto Executive Committee and asked to recommend one artist each.
With each edition of the Triennale, the Executive Committee, which is composed of artists and educators, selects a different group of commissioners. These commissioners, considered highly knowledgeable about contemporary printmaking because they have written articles and treatises on the subject, have organized printmaking exhibitions of interest, are currently active as printmakers, or for other reasons, are asked to give recommendations while making every effort to avoid bias in terms of region, age, gender, occupation or other factors.

PATinKyoto (Print Art Triennale in Kyoto) 2022 Commissioners
Kyoji Takizawa (Curator, Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts)
Masayuki Takizawa (Director, Ueda City Museum)
Yoshio Kato (Contemporary Art Planning Katoh Yoshio Office Director / Takarazuka Arts Center Director)
Tomio Sugaya (Director, Nakanoshima Museum of Art Osaka)
Yasuyuki Nakai (Researcher, The National Museum of Art, Osaka; Adjunct Instructor, Kyoto City University of Arts)
Yasufumi Chuma (Artist)
Keisei Kobayashi (Printmaker, Tama Art Museum Professor Emeritus)
Kayoko Hosokawa (Director, Gallery Hosokawa)
Sadaya Iwabuchi (Editor, Bijutsu Techo)
Hirokazu Tokuyama (Curator, Mori Art Museum)
Gen Umezu (Art Studies)
Yu Iseki (Curator, Art Tower Mito Contemporary Art Gallery)
Shigemi Takahashi (Curator, Aomori Museum of Art)
Fumihiko Sumitomo (Curator)
Yuka Egami (Curator, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art)
Hisashi Kurachi (Printmaker, Aichi University of the Arts Professor)
Yuki Kondo (Program Director, Tokyo Arts and Space)
Hisako Hara (Professor, Osaka Electro-Communication University)
Fuminori Akiba (Associate Professor, Nagoya University)

Names in no particular order

・After evaluation by judges, awards will be presented for outstanding works as follows.
Grand Prix: 1
Awards for Excellence: 2
NISSHA FOUNDATION Award: Several recipients
*Work receiving the Grand Prix will be acquired for the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art collection.

Akira Tatehata (Tama Art University President, art critic)
Kozo Shioe (Former Director, Kyoto City Museum of Art)
Motoaki Shinohara (Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University)
Hideki Kimura (Painter / Printmaker, Kyoto Person of Cultural Merit)
Junya Suzuki (Chairperson, NISSHA FOUNDATION)